Thursday, September 29, 2016

Merging Visible Light Photoredox Catalysis with Metal Catalyzed C–H Activations: On the Role of Oxygen and Superoxide Ions as Oxidants
David C. Fabry† and Magnus Rueping*
† Institute of Organic Chemistry, RWTH-Aachen University, Landoltweg 1, 52072 Aachen, Germany
‡ King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), KAUST Catalysis Center (KCC), Thuwal, 23955-6900Saudi Arabia
Acc. Chem. Res., 2016, 49 (9), pp 1969–1979
DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.6b00275
Publication Date (Web): August 24, 2016


The development of efficient catalytic systems for direct aromatic C–H bond functionalization is a long-desired goal of chemists, because these protocols provide environmental friendly and waste-reducing alternatives to classical methodologies for C–C and C–heteroatom bond formation. A key challenge for these transformations is the reoxidation of the in situ generated metal hydride or low-valent metal complexes of the primary catalytic bond forming cycle. To complete the catalytic cycle and to regenerate the C–H activation catalyst, (super)stoichiometric amounts of Cu(II) or Ag(I) salts have often been applied. Recently, “greener” approaches have been developed by applying molecular oxygen in combination with Cu(II) salts, internal oxidants that are cleaved during the reaction, or solvents or additives enabling the metal hydride reoxidation. All these approaches improved the environmental friendliness but have not overcome the obstacles associated with the overall limited functional group and substrate tolerance. Hence, catalytic processes that do not feature the unfavorable aspects described above and provide products in a streamlined as well as economically and ecologically advantageous manner would be desirable.

In this context, we decided to examine visible light photoredox catalysis as a new alternative to conventionally applied regeneration/oxidation procedures. This Account summarizes our recent advances in this expanding area and will highlight the new concept of merging distinct redox catalytic processes for C–H functionalizations through the application of visible light photoredox catalysis. Photoredox catalysis can be considered as catalytic electron-donating or -accepting processes, making use of visible-light absorbing homogeneous and heterogeneous metal-based catalysts, as well as organic dye sensitizers or polymers. As a consequence, photoredox catalysis is, in principle, an ideal tool for the recycling of any given metal catalyst via a coupled electron transfer (ET) process.

Here we describe our first successful endeavors to address the above challenges by combining visible light photoredox catalysis with different ruthenium, rhodium, or palladium catalyzed C–H activations. Since only small amounts of the oxidant are generated and are immediately consumed in these transformations, side reactions of substrates or products can be avoided. Thus, usually oxidant-sensible substrates can be used, which makes these methods highly suitable for complex molecular structure syntheses. Moreover, mechanistic studies shed light on new reaction pathways, intermediates, and in situ generated species. The successful development of our dual catalysis concept, consisting of combined visible light photoredox catalysis and metal catalyzed C–H functionalization, provides many new opportunities for further explorations in the field of C–H functionalization.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Fundamentals of beta-alkyl elimination

New paper from former post-doc, Matt O'Reilly.

β-Alkyl Elimination: Fundamental Principles and Some Applications

Department of Chemistry, Center for Catalysis, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, United States
Chem. Rev., 2016, 116 (14), pp 8105–8145
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.6b00054
Publication Date (Web): July 1, 2016


Abstract Image
This review describes organometallic compounds and materials that are capable of mediating a rarely encountered but fundamentally important reaction: β-alkyl elimination at the metal–Cα–Cβ–R moiety, in which an alkyl group attached to the Cβ atom is transferred to the metal or to a coordinated substrate. The objectives of this review are to provide a cohesive fundamental understanding of β-alkyl-elimination reactions and to highlight its applications in olefin polymerization, alkane hydrogenolysis, depolymerization of branched polymers, ring-opening polymerization of cycloalkanes, and other useful organic reactions. To provide a coherent understanding of the β-alkyl elimination reaction, special attention is given to conditions and strategies used to facilitate β-alkyl-elimination/transfer events in metal-catalyzed olefin polymerization, which provide the well-studied examples.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Cool Ru catalyzed synthesis of Dialkoxymethane ethers using CO2

Ruthenium-Catalyzed Synthesis of Dialkoxymethane Ethers Utilizing Carbon Dioxide and Molecular Hydrogen


The synthesis of dimethoxymethane (DMM) by a multistep reaction of methanol with carbon dioxide and molecular hydrogen is reported. Using the molecular catalyst [Ru(triphos)(tmm)] in combination with the Lewis acid Al(OTf)3 resulted in a versatile catalytic system for the synthesis of various dialkoxymethane ethers. This new catalytic reaction provides the first synthetic example for the selective conversion of carbon dioxide and hydrogen into a formaldehyde oxidation level, thus opening access to new molecular structures using this important C1 source.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Selective Methane Oxidation Catalyzed by Platinum Salts in Oleum at Turnover Frequencies of Large-Scale Industrial Processes

Selective Methane Oxidation Catalyzed by Platinum Salts in Oleum at Turnover Frequencies of Large-Scale Industrial Processes
Tobias Zimmermann, Mario Soorholtz, Marius Bilke, Ferdi Schüth*
 Max-Plank-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim, Germany
J. Am. Chem. Soc. ASAP
Direct catalytic methane functionalization, a “dream reaction”, is typically characterized by relatively low catalyst activities. This also holds for the η2-(2,2′-bipyrimidyl)dichloroplatinum(II) [(bpym)PtCl2, 1] catalyst which oxidizes methane to methyl bisulfate in sulfuric acid. Nevertheless, it is arguably still one of the best systems for the partial oxidation of methane reported so far. Detailed studies of the dependence of activity on the SO3 concentration and the interplay with the solubility of different platinum compounds revealed potassium tetrachloroplatinate (K2PtCl4) as an extremely active, selective, and stable catalyst, reaching turnover frequencies (TOFs) of more than 25,000 h−1in 20% oleum with selectivities above 98%. The TOFs are more than 3 orders of magnitude higher compared to the original report on (bpym)PtCl2 and easily reach or exceed those realized in commercial industrial processes, such as the Cativa process for the carbonylation of methanol. Also space-time-yields are on the order of large-scale commercialized processes.